Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish was built in 1955 with the first Mass celebrated Christmas Eve of 1955.

The first Pastor was The Most Rev. O. L. Kaufman, who, with the Bishop’s approval, selected the name of our parish. 

At this time, we have over 400 families registered at 

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish. 

Our Mass times are 5 pm Saturday and 8 and 10 am Sunday.


The Catholic Daughters are again asking for all parish support for providing their monthly dinner for Circle4Support.  Again this is a volunteer organization helping Mills County residents who are facing challenges in their lives. Catholic Daughters are organizing dinners for the next 4 months.  Sign up this  weekend following Mass.  Thank you!!

CATHOLIC CHARITIES SUMMER PROGRAM NEEDS - Are you looking for something to do this summer? Catholic Charities has you covered! We have created a list with some of our programs' most needed items. Consider participating in our Catholic Charities 100 Challenge by donating 100 items in celebration of our centennial year! Visit catholiccharitiesdm.org/news for information on how you can make an impact.

Fundraising with Droppett

The Ministerial Association is partnering with Droppett as a simple way to boost their fundraising. CONTAINERS FOR A CAUSE, allows fundraisers to run a Used Beverage Container (UBC) Drive, virtually year-round, without much effort.



Bag tags are in the office or on the bulletin board by the bulletins. You place your tag on the bag, return to the center at 306 S Vine St and our account is credited!

Which cardinal washed his own dishes?


St. Bonaventure didn’t let his status get in the way of doing chores.


St. Bonaventure accomplished great things for the Church and the Franciscan Order in his lifetime. Doctor of the Church, Second Founder of the Franciscan Order, and friend of St. Thomas Aquinas are his most famous titles.


His humility is often lost in the glow of his achievements. Some legends exist, however, which illustrate the sheer depth of this virtue in him.


Take the story of his elevation to cardinal, for instance.


Legend has it that papal legates sought him out at his residence, bringing with them his new and important galero—the special red hat worn by cardinals. Imagine the legates’ surprise when they found this newly-elevated personage outside, scrubbing away at the day’s dishes.


Wet and soapy, Bonaventure calmly indicated a tree and asked the legates to hang the galero on its branches while he dried his arms.


It’s difficult to picture the reactions of the legates, but Bonaventure’s unintentional lesson in humility surely left a big impression.


This humble task of washing his own dishes—when, as a busy and important priest, he could easily have assigned the housework to someone else—reminds us that the mundane really can lead us to angelic heights of sanctity.


In honor of the Seraphic Doctor and his model, the Seraphic Father—St. Francis of Assisi—take up the practice of the Franciscan (also called Seraphic) Rosary. A string of seven decades, this beautiful and powerful rosary focuses on the Seven Joys of Our Lady.


Acquired from: https://www.catholiccompany.com/getfed



There’s still time to purchase your tickets for the Bishop’s Celebration of Catholic Schools on August 24, 2024, at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in West Des Moines. This event unites the entire Diocese of Des Moines community in celebration of the life-changing impact our faith-centered education has provided for more than 150 years. To reserve your tickets or to get involved in this year’s event, call (515) 237-5079 or email lholms@dmdiocese.org. We look

forward to celebrating with you!