Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish was built in 1955 with the first Mass celebrated Christmas Eve of 1955.

The first Pastor was The Most Rev. O. L. Kaufman, who, with the Bishop’s approval, selected the name of our parish. 

At this time, we have over 400 families registered at 

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish. 

Our Mass times are 5 pm Saturday and 8 and 10 am Sunday.



Reconciliation for 5th Grade has been changed to February 26. Reconciliation for ALL 6th Graders is Wednesday, March 26 at 6:30.  Thank you!


Upcoming Events:

February 19th 2nd Grade First Reconciliation

February 26th 5 Reconciliation

March 5th Ash Wednesday – No Class

March 12th 4th Grade Reconciliation

March 19th 3rd Grade Reconciliation

+ First Eucharist Workshop

March 26th All 6th Grade Reconciliation 

Director of Faith Formation

Our Lady of Holy Rosary Parish is hiring a full time Director of Faith Formation for preschool through High School. This includes sacramental preparation, family and youth activities, and forming catechists. For more information contact Father Dan Siepker at 712-527-5211 To apply for the position, send a resume with references to holyrosarych@msn.com.


Fundraising with Droppett

The Ministerial Association is partnering with Droppett as a simple way to boost their fundraising. CONTAINERS FOR A CAUSE, allows fundraisers to run a Used Beverage Container (UBC) Drive, virtually year-round, without much effort.



Bag tags are in the office or on the bulletin board by the bulletins. You place your tag on the bag, return to the center at 306 S Vine St and our account is credited!


To sign up for Automatic Withdrawal go to https://members.myeoffering.com.

Thank you!

A Night of Irish Fun in Support of Catholic Charities Don your Irish greens and join your fellow parishioners for a night you won’t forget at Catholic Charities’ annual fundraiser: Shamrocks & Shenanigans!


The fun takes place on Saturday, March 1, at 6 p.m. at Mainframe Studios (900 Keo Way, Des Moines). All proceeds benefit the vital programs and services of Catholic Charities. Tickets and information available at: catholiccharitiesdm.org/shamrocks. 



What are the seven spiritual works of mercy?


How can we answer the spiritual needs of friends, family, and even the world?


Throughout history, the Catholic Church has emphasized the importance of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. In order to spread the Gospel here on earth, we must practice both.

While the corporal works of mercy identify how we can serve others’ physical needs, the spiritual works of mercy call us to help each other (and ourselves) spiritually.


According to the Baltimore Catechism, the seven spiritual works of mercy are:


Admonish the sinner

Instruct the ignorant

Counsel the doubtful

Comfort the sorrowful

Bear wrongs patiently

Forgive all injuries

Pray for the living and the dead


As Catholics, we are called to be our brother’s keeper. We are obligated to help one another get to heaven by living out the spiritual works of mercy in ways that are rooted in love and mercy.


If you have a friend who is doubting their faith or doesn’t know a lot about Catholicism, the first step is to pray for them. You could also invite them to a Bible study or share a book that may have helped you in your spiritual life.


You can comfort the sorrowful by simply being present to those who are suffering, bringing someone a homemade meal, sending them a card, or listening to their struggles.


Forgiving others and bearing wrongs patiently are essential to our salvation. In the Our Father, we ask God to forgive us our sins against Him just as we forgive others’ sins against us. To keep our hearts open to His grace, we must let go of grudges against one another and avoid bitterness.


Acquired from: https://www.catholiccompany.com/getfed