Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish was built in 1955 with the first Mass celebrated Christmas Eve of 1955.
The first Pastor was The Most Rev. O. L. Kaufman, who, with the Bishop’s approval, selected the name of our parish.
At this time, we have over 400 families registered at
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish.
Our Mass times are 5 pm Saturday and 8 and 10 am Sunday.
Director of Faith Formation
Our Lady of Holy Rosary Parish is hiring a full time Director of Faith Formation for preschool through High School. This includes sacramental preparation, family and youth activities, and forming catechists. For more information contact Father Dan Siepker at 712-527-5211 To apply for the position, send a resume with references to holyrosarych@msn.com.
BABY SHOWER FOR BIRTHRIGHT We are asking for new or "gently used" baby items to be donated to Birthright, for distribution to needy families. On the weekends of Sept. 28/29 and Oct. 5/6, you have the opportunity to donate: onesies & sleepers (up to 12 months), receiving blankets, cloth & disposable diapers, (not newborn), diaper pins, rubber pants, crib sheets, booties, socks, sweaters, and caps. Sorry no equipment is needed. Cash donations are also welcome. Thank you, Catholic Daughters.
What did Joseph and Mary’s betrothal look like?
Through miraculous lilies, God chose a simple carpenter for Mary’s spouse.
We all know that God chose Joseph to be the husband of Mary. Sacred Scripture introduces him to us: “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.” —Luke 1:26-27
But how did God bring Joseph into Mary’s life? What did their betrothal look like? Although it is not described in Sacred Scripture, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich received a vision of their betrothal, and it is a beautiful and moving scene.
Joseph, though a descendant of King David, led a simple life as a carpenter in Nazareth. Joseph, known for his humility, had a reputation for holiness in Nazareth.
When the priests in the temple sought a man to be the protector and husband of Mary, a young virgin who had dedicated herself to God, Joseph was called along with others from his tribe.
The priests gave each man a dry branch, praying for a sign to reveal God’s choice. The men and the onlookers held their breath and prayed for a sign.
Suddenly, Joseph’s branch bloomed with beautiful white lilies—symbols of purity and innocence—marking him as the one chosen by God to be Mary’s spouse.
Mary accepted this engagement with trust. She knew that God’s plan was unfolding, and though she had vowed to remain a virgin, she recognized that this betrothal to Joseph was part of a larger purpose. Neither of them could have expected what God was about to do with their quiet obedience…
Through marriage, the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and the Immaculate Heart of Mary were joined together. As a family, these two Hearts were joined together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Acquired from: https://www.catholiccompany.com/getfed
Registration is this weekend. Please turn in your completed forms after mass or during business hours in the office.
We still need 3 Catechists!
We have openings in grades: 3rd, 5th, and 7th which meet on Wednesdays. Group sizes are 6-10 kids.
October 9
6:30-8:00 Wednesday Classes Begin for grades 3-12.
October 13
9:00-9:50 Sunday Classes Begin for Pre K-2nd grades.
Fundraising with Droppett
The Ministerial Association is partnering with Droppett as a simple way to boost their fundraising. CONTAINERS FOR A CAUSE, allows fundraisers to run a Used Beverage Container (UBC) Drive, virtually year-round, without much effort.
Bag tags are in the office or on the bulletin board by the bulletins. You place your tag on the bag, return to the center at 306 S Vine St and our account is credited!